Curiosities in Friend Like Me

We will start to unncover some secrets and references in Friend Like Me (Aladdin 1992) , the Song that the genie uses to introduce himself.

In the first verses we hear : “Well, Ali Baba had them fotry thieves, Scheherezade had a thousand tales”

Aladdin has a sequel, in which it is revealed that Aladdin is son of Ali Baba, the one with the forty thieves.

Both Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, are tales that Scheherezade tells in One Thousand and One Nights

Then we hear: “You got some power in your corner now” this a reference to box fights where the fighters have their initial corner

“Life is your restaurant and I’m your maitre d’ ”    Is referring to the Genie making sure everything is good on Aladdin’s orders. Maitre d’ is the head waiter of a restaurant.

“You’re the boss the king the shah!” Genie tells Aladdin this words making him believe he’s at th etop of the world. The Shahs were the rulers of Persia/ Iran.

“How about a little more of baklava Baklava is a traditional dessert in the Middle East, at one time it was considered a delicacy only rich people could afford 

Have some of column A, try all of column B” Typical Chinese restaurants in America sort their menus into columns, where an advisory combination is provided telling the customer how much food should be ordered from each. The Genie removes these restrictions and invites Aladdin to wish for whatever he desires. 

“I’m here to answer all your midday prayers” The Zuhr (also known as the Duhr, or “Noon”) Prayer is the second of the Five Daily Prayers, or Salat, of Islam and occurs just after midday. The Salat are collectively one of the Five Pillars of Islam which are considered the foundation of a holy life.

“Your charge d’affaires” A chargé d’affaires is a diplomat who heads an embassy in the absence of an ambassador.

“I’m on the job, you big nabobNabob is an Anglo-Indian term for a fabulous wealthy man, derived from the term nawab, referring to the sovereign rulers of Indian princely states.

This are all the curiosities I found in the song, if you find more, pleas leave it in the comments…

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